Rspamd 3.8.1 has been released

2024-01-25 00:00:00 +0000

Today we have released Rspamd 3.8.1, the first bugfix release in the new 3.8 series.

This release includes the following fixes:

Fixes for statistics

  • Fix per_user
  • Fix learn error propagation
  • Fix storing of tokens

Other fixes

  • Fixed potential double-free in regex cache
  • Fixed header insertion
  • Fix compatibility with Lua 5.1 (by @arkamar)
  • Fixed RBL plugin warning text

Rspamd 3.8.0 has been released

2024-01-19 00:00:00 +0000

Today we have released Rspamd 3.8.0. The most important features & fixes in this release are highlighted below.

Bayes statistics rework

Bayesian statistics have been reworked to use Redis scripts & now use 3x less network traffic. Learn cache has been reworked to prevent endless growth.

Support for emiting JSON-formatted logs

Rspamd can be configured to emit logs in JSON format, for ease of ingesting & querying with 3rd party logging solutions, such as Grafana Loki.

Other new features

  • GTUBE patterns can be fully disabled
  • Support for enforcing encryption in proxy
  • Support for pinging fuzzy storage
  • Support for suppressing DMARC reporting for some particular recipients
  • RBL module: support disabling or replacing whitelists per-RBL
  • Improved WebUI


  • Fixed overflow in fuzzy counters
  • Fixed issues with the raw header on header insertion/modification
  • Fixed multimap rawtext filter

Rspamd 3.7.5 has been released

2023-12-15 00:00:00 +0000

Today we have released Rspamd 3.7.5; the second & likely final release from the stable 3.7 branch.

The following changes are new in 3.7.5:


  • Fixed logging in rspamadm (Reported by @cfasnacht)
  • Fixed logging when using systemd = true (Reported by @AdamMajer)
  • dkim_signing: signing_table: lowercase inputs before lookup (Reported by @EurenikZ)
  • Fixed build without hyperscan (Reported by @a16bitsysop)


  • Fix build on loongarch64 (Contributed by @wuruilong01)

Rspamd 3.7.4 has been released

2023-11-14 00:00:00 +0000

Today we have released Rspamd 3.7.4; the first release in the new stable branch of Rspamd 3.7.

The following changes are new in 3.7.4:


  • Fixed setproctitle on CentOS-likes
  • Fixes for hyperscan cache file handling
  • Fixed exclude_local in RBL module
  • Properly set config field when loading tasks from Lua
  • Set loaded variable explicitly


  • Enable fasttext on RPM based Linux
  • Improve FREEMAIL_AFF capture rates
  • Add rule for messages missing both X-Mailer and User-Agent header
  • Add composite rule for suspicious URLs in suspicious messages

Upgrading notes

The exclude_private_ips setting in RBL module no longer exists in this release (and was broken in previous releases), it can be removed from configuration. This setting is equivalent to exclude_local.

Rspamd 3.7.3 has been released

2023-10-27 00:00:00 +0000

Today we have released Rspamd 3.7.3; this release adds a fix for a regression in the short-lived 3.7.2 release.

The following changes are new in 3.7.2:


  • Deal with fmtlib exceptions properly
  • DMARC reporting: fix reporting for subdomains
  • DMARC: fix munging (by @dzjaivnt)
  • ICAP: restore old content-type behaviour; add use_specific_content_type setting
  • WebUI: Fix history table vanishing


  • WebUI: Add control to invert action filter
  • Rules: Blank spam detection
  • Rules: Tighten rspamd’s attachment policy (by @twesterhever)
  • RBL: support use of different matchers for return codes