Just before 1.2
release, I have measured performance of rspamd comparing to SA. In this experiment, I’ve taken rspamd master branch with default rules.
Then I’ve added all rules from SA using spamassassin plugin. Hence, two scanners run with almost exact set of rules.
This set is quite large and it includes about 3k of custom regexp rules. Rspamd runs without hyperscan and pcre2, so it performs literally the same job as SA does. And here are results for about 100k messages being scanned:
Total False Positives: 517
Total False Negatives: 348
Total messages: 101349
Total SA time: 423942 seconds, total rspamd time: 33149 seconds
Average SA time: 4182ms/msg, average rspamd time: 327ms/msg seconds
So the difference in checks is less than 1% and in many cases rspamd does better job than SA because, for example, multiple hits of URIBL rules, phishing detection and some other differences. And it’s still 13 times faster than SA. Moreover, it eats less memory and can process more messages in parallel. In other experiments, rspamd was able to process about 450 messages per second on a single SandyBridge 4 cores scanner box.
I plan to release rspamd 1.2 very soon with a lot of cool features, including dynamic rules updates. I would appreciate any help in testing of the experimental packages. In fact, they are already used in production and are even more stable than 1.1 branch.