Replies module

This module gathers the message-id header of emails that authenticated users have sent and saves the corresponding hashes to Redis. These hashes expire after a predetermined length of time, which can be set to a maximum of 24 hours by default. Additionally, the module creates hashes of the in-reply-to headers of all received messages and checks them for matches, i.e., messages that were sent in response to messages that our system initiated. The module then generates a symbol that can be used to adjust the scoring or force an action, such as accepting the message with no action taken, depending on the configuration.


Settings for the module are described below (default values are indicated in brackets).

  • action: apply the given action to messages identified as replies (should typically be set to “no action” to accept)
  • expire: time, in seconds, after which to expire records (default is one day).
  • key_prefix: string prefixed to keys in Redis (default rr)
  • symbol: symbol yielded on messages identified as replies.

Additionally, you will need to set up Redis servers to store data, such as servers or read_servers and write_servers. You can specify all standard Redis arguments, including password, timeout, database, and so on.


Configuration should be added to /etc/rspamd/local.d/replies.conf:

# This setting is non-default & may be desirable
#action = "no action";
# These are default settings you may want to change
expire = 1d;
key_prefix = "rr";
message = "Message is reply to one we originated";
symbol = "REPLY";
# Module specific redis configuration
#servers = "localhost";